61 State Route 208
Yerington, NV 89447
Twigs Florist in Yerington, NV
Traveling Kindness Bouquet

How many people an be touched in a day or two with a little beauty and kindness?
We think the possibilities are endless!
There is joy in both giving and receiving, especially a gift of beautiful fragrant flowers.

How it Works...
The bouquet starts as a surprise delivery to one person who keeps it for an hour and then passes it on to another person who could use a little joy and so on.

A little note is included and reads..
"This is a Traveling Kindness Bouquet Please enjoy these flowers for the Next hour And then pass them on to Someone who could use a little joy Along with this note. Kindness, pass it on..

We deliver these bouquets periodically to random places, and It's our hope that people will experience the beauty of fresh flowers and the joy they bring to both the giver and the receiver.

We love the smiles an unexpected surprise of flowers brings to the faces of the people in our little community.

Traveling Kindness Bouquet from Twiggs in Yerington, NV Traveling Kindness Bouquet from Twiggs in Yerington, NV

Have you been touched by the kindness of someone, or have you been the fortunate one able to give? Please click here to send us an e-mail and share your story. It may inspire others!

And please share the traveling bouquet on social media (you can find the links to our social media accounts below)!

Here's what previous recipients of the Traveling Kindess Bouquet are saying...

Tracey, there are no words to express how much joy your Traveling Kindness Bouquet brought to all of our residents and staff! Thank you for remembering us in such a beautiful way!
Julie Perumean
South Lyon Medical Center
Long Term Care